Sunday, August 8, 2010

a condensed history of politics and world domination

so aristotle said, "dude! fuck logic. if we twist words around in such a way, we can make people believe anything we tell them." and he called his twisted truth rhetoric, because he couldn't call it lies.
and the rich folks said "life is good"
and the poor folks said "life sucks"
and plato saw this, and he said, "we shall create this thing called revolution. and we shall orchestrate a resistance movement to fight the established regime. and it doesn't matter which side wins because after it's all said and done we'll still be the ones in charge."
and the rich folks said "life is good"
and the poor folks said "life sucks"
so then christianity was invented, to make the poor people think that their suffering made them better people than the rich folks. and this made the revoultions happen a little farther apart, after people had forgotten how nothing had ever really changed when it happened before.
and the poor people went to work to make money for the rich people, and they sent their children off to fight in the war because they believed the lies they were too afraid to question.
and the bankers saw that the revolutions and wars were racking up a whole lot of debt, and said "life is good"
and they taxed the poor people to pay the debt for the wars they didn't want to fight...

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